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The Modern Professional Body


Consulting Firms


Branding, Web


Artwork, Branding / VI, Creative direction, Creative web development, Graphic design, UI, UX, Visual concept

We helped TMPB establish a new brand and digital presence, distilling the visual concept of evolution from tradition to modernity, and accurately conveying it to their audience.

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Inspired by CEO Harry McAdoo, the company’s core value is to help legacy businesses smoothly transition to the fast-paced modern business world. We aim to reflect this coexistence and transformation of old and new in our graphic and typography design.

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We have discovered three promising concepts, each embodying the essence of the transition from old to new in its own unique way.

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These two concepts were highly artistic, characterized by abstraction and interactivity. Although they were not ultimately selected, we still appreciate them because we recognize that a clear and powerful expression of the brand’s core message is paramount. It needs to be simple and instantly recognizable, even when scaled down. so here we are:

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Combining architectural textures of old and new with a striking collage style, conveying a determined effort towards fundamental reconstruction.

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